Dust in swine barns consists up to 90% organic matter and is often biologically active. Exposure to pathogenic dust is a health issue for swine workers and nearby community. Endotoxin is considered as the most important respiratory hazards that affect the health and welfare of swine farmers and their neighbors. The objective of the project is to determine the occupational and community health outcomes associated with swine production with an emphasis on respiratory health outcomes, using a standard quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) approach. The framework for QMRA of swine production is a standard four-step process, which includes: 1) problem formulation, 2) exposure assessment, 3) health effects assessment, and 4) risk characterization. An exhaustive literature search and a systematic review were conducted to collect all the scientific data related to respiratory health risks associated with swine production. Meta-analysis was conducted to generate all the quantitative input needed at each step. The levels of endotoxin exposure were generally proportional to the levels of inhalable PM in swine farms. The majority of endotoxin are associated with inhalable PM instead of respirable PM. On average, there were around 900 endotoxin units (EU) per mg of inhalable PM in swine facilities. During feeding activities or in finishing facilities, the endotoxin levels increase to around 1800 EU per mg of inhalable PM. The No-Observed-Effect-Level (NOEL) of endotoxin exposure was estimated to be 595 EU/m3. The changes of FEV1, which represents the amount of air that can be exhaled forcibly within one second, was used to determine the dose-response relationship for endotoxin exposure. The endotoxin exposure in swine facilities ranged from 400 to 6500 EU/m3. Much of the reported concentrations in swine facilities exceeded the estimated NOEL. At the typical exposure level for swine workers, various respiratory symptoms may be observed, but the resulting FEV1 decreases are mostly less than 20%, which is still considered as normal; the chance of resulting ΔFEV1>20%, which represents an obstruction in lung function, is much lower than 2.5%; and the 95% confidence interval of FEV1 decrease was from 3.9% to 6.7% for non-smokers. Higher endotoxin levels were observed from task-based measurements during feeding activities, and in finishing facilities. Especially, activities such as power washing and hog load-out could generate high endotoxin exposure that result in ΔFEV1>20% for smokers. Smokers were generally more sensitive to endotoxin exposure than non-smokers, and involve more uncertainties. Although the daily occupational and community risk of reduced lung function is generally low, the accumulated long term risk could be significant. At an estimated daily risk of 0.04%, the long term risks of experiencing one or more respiratory symptoms are estimated to be 13% for 1 year, 24% for two years, 34% for 3 years, 43% for 4 years, 50% for 5 years, and 57% for 6 years.