Board of Directors & Nominating Committee
Interested in serving as a leader in the pork industry? Apply for a position on the National Pork Board.
Pork producers are encouraged to get involved in the board of directors and the nominating committee.
Send applications to: [email protected]
Get Involved and Make a Difference
Hear from Al Wulfekuhle, Iowa producer and NPB Board President, as he talks about why he serves on the NPB Board of Directors and the value of giving back to the industry he loves.
National Pork Board of Directors
The board of directors has the ultimate responsibility and accountability, in collaboration with USDA under the Pork Act and Pork Order, for the collection of national Pork Checkoff funds, their disbursement to state organizations, and their investment in industry promotion, research and consumer information programs, to enhance the marketing of U.S. pork and pork products.
Apply to serve by submitting your application to: [email protected]
NPB Board of Directors
Expand All- Candidate Qualifications
- Produces porcine animals in the U.S. for sale in commerce
- Involvement in the U.S. pork industry
- Familiarity with the state pork associations work in their county and state
- Must be willing and able to devote the time and effort to stay abreast of issues
- Do the required homework to be a knowledgeable board member
- Attend meetings faithfully
- Contribute to meetings and discussions
- Represent the board and the industry as requested
- Reveal any conflict of interests and recuse themselves as necessary
- Represent a variety of geographic areas, producer types and interests, ideas, opinions, perspectives, styles of operation, gender, size of operation, and other areas of diversity
- Selection System
- The board of directors consists of 15 members
- Members serve a 3-year term and may serve two consecutive terms
- Five board seats are appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture on an annual basis
- The five appointees must come from a list of 10 candidates voted and ranked by Pork Act Delegates
- A minimum of 12 states must be represented on the board of directors
- Officers are elected by the board of directors on an annual basis
- Duties & Responsibilities
The board of directors has the ultimate responsibility and accountability, in collaboration with USDA under the Pork Act and Pork Order, for the collection of national Pork Checkoff funds, their disbursement to state organizations, and their investment in industry promotion, research and consumer information programs, to enhance the marketing of U.S. pork and pork products.
The board of directors’ primary charge is to create the vision and strategic direction of the organization, to ensure that the organization’s plans and budget are in alignment with that vision and are consistent with the Pork Act, and to hire and supervise the chief executive officer. Other duties include:
- Provide oversight of the appropriate use of National Pork Board’s resources
- Be accountable for Checkoff funding programs in accordance with the Act and Order
- Ensure that programs have a positive impact on the pork industry
- Determine the organization’s mission, vision and purpose
- Support the CEO and review their performance
- Ensure effective organizational planning
- Select board officers and make recommendations on committee structures
- Administer provisions of the Act and Order and regulations
- Develop/implement plans, projects, budgets, contracts, bylaws and board policies
- Recommend approval of plans, projects and budgets to USDA
- Receive and investigate complaints of violations
- Align programs/funding to carry out the board’s strategic plan
- Ensure Checkoff funds are used only for activities authorized under the Act and Order
- Ensure Checkoff funds are not used to influence government policy or action – no lobbying with Checkoff dollars
- Exercise board power in a prudent, honest and confidential manner
- Participate in the board’s annual evaluation and planning efforts
- Represent the USDA and the Secretary of Agriculture
- Be accountable to those stakeholder producers who pay into the Checkoff program
- Fulfill fiduciary duty to the board
- Set aside personal or state interests and represent the entire pork industry
- Serve as a Court of Appeal
- Regularly attends board meetings and important related meetings
- Avoid making decisions based on special interests of other individuals, organizations, states or regions
- Disclose actual or perceived conflicts of interest and refrain from voting on these matters
- Encourage pork industry unity by communicating/supporting board plans and programs to state pork associations
- Be knowledgeable about the Act, Order and regulations
- Be knowledgeable about board policies, bylaws, plans, projects and budgets
- Be dedicated to doing what is best for the entire pork industry
- Time Commitment
Board members are asked to make every effort to attend all meetings and conference calls. Annually, board members average 30 days per year in board-related travel.
- Requirements
Board members must be PQA Plus certified and site assessed.
Nominating Committee
The role of the nominating committee is to solicit, screen, interview, evaluate and recommend 10 candidates to the Pork Act delegate body to be elected as nominees to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture for appointment to the National Pork Board. In addition, the two seats on the Pork Checkoff Nominating Committee.
Apply to serve by submitting your application to: [email protected]
Nominating Committee
Expand All- Selection System
- The Pork Act delegate body will elect two committee members — each serving a one-year term
- Three committee members appointed “at-large” focusing on past board members, officers and committee chairs
- Nominating committee candidates will not caucus during Pork Industry Forum
- The chair, named by the board, will be the immediate past president if the states represented by the delegate-elected positions do not preclude. Otherwise, a past president or current or past board member will be appointed.
- Are familiar with and knowledgeable about Pork Board programs of promotion, research, and consumer information
- Are familiar with and/or become knowledgeable about the inner workings, demands, responsibilities, and expectations of service on the Pork Board
- Are knowledgeable about producers who exhibit national leadership skills
- Conduct themselves in an open, unbiased and objective manner
- Are knowledgeable about the pork industry/pork supply chain
- Some members must possess relevant experience and background in the work of the task force, board, states or organizational business
- Represent a variety of geographic areas, producer types and interests, ideas, opinions, perspectives, styles of operation, gender, size of operation, and other areas of diversity
- Time Committment
- July – New nominating committee orientation including a conference call to review the list of possible candidates – 1 hour
- Ongoing – Throughout recruitment process, the nominating committee communicates with potential candidates about the involvement and commitment of Pork Board members – 10-15 hours
- November 1 – Deadline for candidate applications – 1 hour
- December – Candidate interviews in Des Moines – 2 days
- March – Pork Industry Forum – location TBD – 3 days
- 12 State Rule
Before recommending a slate of Pork Board candidates to the delegate body, the nominating committee will ensure that the “12 State Rule” has been satisfied. This means that if a Pork Board candidate is from a state which already has a Board member, the candidate may have to be ranked below the top five, so delegates will not have to re-rank candidates. (For a complete description of the 12-State Rule, please refer to the Pork Act and Pork Order.)
- Ranking
The nominating committee will provide commentary on each candidate in the 5 essential components of board member qualification to provide delegates with additional information on each candidate to make an informed decision:
- Industry knowledge
- Pork Board & Checkoff knowledge
- Leadership skills
- Communications
- Attitude, passion & commitment
- Conflict of Interest
The nominating committee is covered by the Board’s Conflict of Interest policy. Each nominating committee member will sign a certification agreeing to disclose any conflict of interest and to recuse themselves from discussing, voting on or deciding any matter where a personal or professional conflict of interest or the appearance of one exists, as between a nominating committee member and a candidate. Immediate family relationships automatically trigger this recusal from this category.
Other business or personal relationships will be judged on the individual fact situation. When in question, the committee, by a majority vote of a quorum, will determine if such conflict of interests exists. The committee chair will have the discretion to allow the conflicted member to participate in the discussion to ensure that all pertinent information is gathered. The committee chair but will make every effort to limit undue influence. The Pork Board will be the final arbiter of conflict of interest situations.
Apply For a Position on the National Pork Board
Qualified individuals are encouraged to apply for a position on the board of directors or nominating committee.
Choose between the two methods below to complete your application. Then submit your completed application to: [email protected].
The deadline for applications is November 1 for the following year.
Online Method
Fill in your application with a web browser on a PC.
- Click here to open the application in a web browser.
- Fill in your application online. Click into the fields and type your information. (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge work best)
- Save your completed application to your PC.
- Upload and submit your application to: [email protected].
Print Method
Download pdf and print application.
- Click here to open the application in a web browser.
- Download the pdf to your PC and print.
- Fill in your application manually.
- Scan and save your completed application to your PC.
- Upload and submit your application by to: [email protected]