Expanding Pork’s Reach Through Multicultural Marketing
NPB is working to create innovative marketing opportunities to drive pork sales and social media growth in key communities.
Explore four key business resources designed for pork producers by the National Pork Board.
These resources, funded by the Pork Checkoff, were developed to support pork operations of all sizes against disease threats and to ensure a sustainable future.
The Secure Pork Supply (SPS) Plan helps pork producers and the industry get ready for a quick recovery and business continuity in case of a foreign animal disease outbreak.
If foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever, or African swine fever is found in U.S. livestock, swift regulatory actions will restrict animal movements to curb the spread of these very contagious animal diseases. Moving animals will require a movement permit.
The SPS Plan guides pork producers to prepare in advance and be ready to request a movement permit when that happens.
Start your SPS Plan today to prioritize peace of mind knowing you’re ready for anything.
We all hope a foreign animal disease outbreak never happens. But if it does, it’s crucial for pork producers to have a proactive plan for the following:
➼ Enhanced Biosecurity
➼ Animal Traceability
➼ Disease Monitoring
When an outbreak happens, regulatory officials may require pork producers to complete the following steps before issuing a movement permit. Get ahead and start today.
1 – Request a premises identification number (PIN) for each site from the office of your state animal health official.
2 – Prepare to protect your herd. Click here for detailed guidance on next steps and get instructions, templates, and checklists.
3 – Make a plan to monitor for disease – including foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever, or African swine fever.
4 – Keep movement records of animals, people, equipment and other items.
Thanks to the pork producers who supported the design of this plan, the U.S. Swine Health Improvement Plan (U.S. SHIP) leverages existing programs to certify the health of the pork industry across the country.
In simple terms, U.S. SHIP sets up a country-wide set of rules and a certification process that all states recognize. This is important to keep trade moving in the U.S. and resume international trade in the event of a foreign animal disease outbreak.
The goal is to prevent the spread of disease, like African swine fever or classical swine fever, and prove that sites are free from disease.
Get your sites U.S. SHIP certified to help your business run smoothly even in the face of disease outbreaks.
Ready to safeguard your swine and secure the future of your operation?
U.S. SHIP is for pork producers and packers. Participation is at the site level using a premises identification number.
This certification leverages programs you already know to enhance biosecurity measures, ensure traceability and expand disease surveillance.
Your Secure Pork Supply Plan shows you meet the biosecurity rules.
Use AgView to prove you follow traceability rules and to share disease location info with government agencies.
Disease Surveillance
Work with your herd veterinarian on the Certified Swine Sampler Collector Program, which trains more people collect samples for testing. This helps prove your animals are disease-free and allows them to be moved legally during a disease outbreak.
Get Started
Step 1 – Enrollment
Step 2 – Certification
Step 3 – Maintain Certification
AgView is a tool that enables swift and efficient responses to potential foreign animal disease outbreaks. It allows producers of all sizes and types to to securely share location and pig movement data with state animal health officials to rapidly contain disease threats and determine where the disease is or is not present.
AgView promotes business continuity for America’s pig farmers by uniquely making disease traceback and pig movement data available to the USDA and state animal health officials on day one of a foreign animal disease.
AgView uses much of the same data provided in your operation’s Secure Pork Supply plan. It connects the dots and leverages the information so state veterinarians, producers and others to make sound decisions quickly in case of an outbreak.
1. A confirmed or suspect case of a foreign animal disease is reported to the state vet.
2. The state vet uses AgView to request producer data by affected location.
3. An email is sent from AgView to the producer with the locations and reason for request.
4. In AgView, the producer clicks on SHARE in the Share Request Tab and can elect to share or not share the data.
This program helps strengthen market demand for pork, foster valuable partnerships with the supply chain, and elevate pork’s reputation as both nutritious and planet-friendly.
This initiative helps showcase the hard work pork producers put into their farms and their readiness to do more with the right resources.
1. Request Report
Take 30 seconds to fill out the form with all the requested information.
2. Receive Introductory Email
A National Pork Board staff member will email you within 5 business days to schedule a 15-minute intro call with our trusted partner, Eocene Environmental Group.
3. Submit Data Securely
Your assigned Eocene technician will assist you in collecting the on-farm data needed to begin the report. Submit your on-farm data via a confidential, secure platform.
4. Get Final Report
Once all data is received, expect your report in around 30-60 days. The Eocene team will thoroughly present your final report to you, giving you a complete understanding of your metrics.
5. Share Your Impact
The report is now yours to tell your on-farm sustainability story. Share your report with financial institutions, packers, community members and more.
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