Pork Checkoff News Archives - Pork Checkoff

Pork Checkoff Industry News

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Market Growth
Expanding Pork’s Reach Through Multicultural Marketing

NPB is working to create innovative marketing opportunities to drive pork sales and social media growth in key communities.

Pork Checkoff News
Reflecting on 2024: Building a Bigger Appetite for Pork

NPB CEO Bill Even takes a moment to recap and reflect on the work your Pork Checkoff accomplished this year based on producer priorities. NPB is working with the industry to build a bigger appetite for pork among American consumers.

Market Growth
Building a Bigger Appetite for Pork Through Targeted Messaging 

This year, NPB rolled out Consumer Connect, a new market demand tool focused on making pork more relevant to consumers. Learn how NPB is reaching the top priority consumer segments to grow pork demand.

Human Nutrition
Elevating Pork Through Human Nutrition Science and Endorsement

Explore the National Pork Board’s advancements through human nutrition science, sustainability and strategic outreach, driving demand, visibility and trust among consumers and professionals alike.

Disease Prevention & Preparedness
First Detection of H5N1 in U.S. Swine

USDA confirms isolated case in Oregon. Pork supply remains safe; coordinated efforts continue to monitor swine health and protect herds.

Human Nutrition
Connecting Pork with the Health Professional Community 

NPB helped promote pork in nutritious diets and fostered future opportunities in the nutrition and retail world at this year’s Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo®.

USDA Expands Climate-Smart Grant to Pork Producers in 12 States 

NPB is excited to announce the expansion of the Advancing U.S. Pork Sustainability and Market Value grant program to support pork producers in nine additional states.

Human Nutrition
First Bites Matter: Pork’s Role in Family Meals

When baby’s first bite includes pork, their growth and development flourishes. Pork is the perfect protein to help new parents and parents of young children make every bite count during National Family Meals Month.

Pork Checkoff News
Implementing a One Health Approach for People, Pigs and the Planet

Producers are committed to doing what is right for people, pigs and the planet. National Pork Board shares how the We Care® Ethical Principles guide producers’ decision making.

Pork Checkoff News
Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: Meet the New Real Pork Scholars

NPB continues to focus on building the next generation of leaders. The 2024 Real Pork Scholars cohort is kicking off their journey this fall!

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