Swine Health - General Disease Archives - Page 25 of 29 - Pork Checkoff

Pork Checkoff Research

Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.

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Swine Health - General Disease
Role of Capsule and Hemolysin in resistance of Enterotoxigenic Excherichia coli to Porcine Serum and Neutrophils
Swine Health - General Disease
Development of Improved Streptococcus suis Vaccines for Control of PRRS Virus and S. suis Coinfection
Swine Health - General Disease
Role of maternal immunity to type 2 porcine circovirus and PRRSV co-infection in the pathogenesis of PMWS
Swine Health - General Disease
A model for determining the efficacy of biosecurity protocols for preventing the transmission of PRRSV
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