Pork Quality
Effects of Pork Quality and Cooked Temperature on Consumer and Trained Sensory Perception of Eating Quality in Non-enhanced and Enhanced Pork Loins
July 1, 2008By Steven Moeller
The present study was conducted to evaluate the influences of fresh pork color (Minolta L*), intramuscular fat (IMF), and ultimate pH (pH), and cooked pork Warner Bratzler shear force (WBS) on...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Quantifying Salmonella and Campylobacter Peri-harvest in Swine
June 23, 2008By Tom Wittum
Salmonella and Campylobacter are estimated to cause 3.9 million illnesses annually in the United States, and most of these illnesses are food-related. Pigs can be sub-clinically infected with these...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Swine Manure Applications for Soybean Production – Environmental and Pathological Implications
April 11, 2008By Robert Mullen
Environmental concerns regarding the application of nitrogen containing manure to soybean fields have been raised recently across the Corn Belt. The concern is that because soybeans are leguminous...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Development of a Microarray for the Rapid and Simultaneous Detection and Tracking of Bacterial and Viral Foodborne Pathogens
May 3, 2007By Wondwossen Gebreyes
We developed a microarray for the rapid detection and characterization of three important bacterial pathogens including Campylobacter, Salmonella and Yersinia and a viral pathogen including...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Longitudinal evaluation of the effect of ventilation and environmental management of swine barns on Salmonella prevalence in finishing swine
November 2, 2006By Julie Funk
These data suggest that environmental temperature; in particular lower environmental temperatures in early finisher pigs and high environmental temperature in older finisher pigs are associated with...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Serological Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii, Trichinella spiralis and Salmonella enterica among niche market antimicrobial-free and conventionally reared pigs
August 25, 2006By Wondwossen Gebreyes
Three globally important zoonotic foodborne pathogens including Salmonella, Trichinella and Toxoplasma, were studied. Serological analysis of these pathogens was conducted on samples collected from...
Public Health - Antibiotics & Resistance
Persistance of plasmid-encoded resistance genes in the gastrointestinal bacterial flora of swine
October 20, 2004By Jeffery T. LeJeune
In the presence of antibiotics in the feed, pigs became readily colonized with E. coli resistant to the antibiotic ceftiofur. Some E. coli harboured the specific gene blaCMY-2, known to confer...
Swine Health - General Disease
PCV-2 viral DNA(s) are Infectious for Gnotobiotic Swine
January 23, 2004By Steven Krakowka
Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) infection is now recognized to be a common subclinical infection of swine of all ages. Disease expression as postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) is...
Public Health - Antibiotics & Resistance
The Role of Sub-Therapeutic Chlorotetracycline on the Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella Enterica Isolated from Swine
September 9, 2003By Julie Funk
There is increasing scrutiny regarding the use of antimicrobials in animals as a result of increasing antimicrobial resistance in human pathogens, and in particular foodborne outbreaks caused by...
Swine Health - General Disease
Macrophage Activation and Development of Porcine Circovirus Wasting Disease
May 14, 2001By Steven Krakowka