University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives - Pork Checkoff

Pork Checkoff Research

Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.

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Human Nutrition
A Survey of Nitrate and Nitrite in Selected Food in the USA

This project was designed to determine the current nitrite and nitrate content in foods other than processed meats.

Environment - Other
Demonstrating Innovative Use of Precision Farming Technologies to Optimize Manure Nutrient Utilization and Reduce Environmental Concerns
Precision Agriculture Technologies are here to stay as more combines, applicators, and tractors are equipped with GPS receivers, steering systems and data recording systems. These technologies offer...
Public Health - Salmonella
Salmonella sample cryopreservation enables epidemiologic study, quantification of bacteria and further characterization of bacterial isolates.
Salmonella control requires practical means to reliably test for shedding of the organism. Fecal samples offer the potential to sample on farms or at slaughter plants. However, methods to culture...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
White Paper on Human Illness Caused by Salmonella from all Food and Non-food Vectors
Salmonellosis continues to be an important foodborne disease in the U.S. and worldwide. Even though illness caused by salmonellae is usually not very severe, there are such a large number of cases...
Environment - Other
Demonstrating Innovative Use of Precision Farming Technologies to Optimize Manure Nutrient Utilization and Reduce Environmental Concerns
Precision Agriculture Technologies are here to stay as more combines, applicators, and tractors are equipped with GPS receivers, steering systems and data recording systems. These technologies offer...
Environment - Other
Demonstrating Innovative Use of Precision Farming Technologies to Optimize Manure Nutrient Utilization and Reduce Environmental Concerns
Precision Agriculture Technologies are here to stay as more combines, applicators, and tractors are equipped with GPS receivers, steering systems and data recording systems. These technologies offer...
Environment - Other
Demonstrating Innovative Use of Precision Farming Technologies to Optimize Manure Nutrient Utilization and Reduce Environmental Concerns
Precision Agriculture Technologies are here to stay as more combines, applicators, and tractors are equipped with GPS receivers, steering systems and data recording systems. These technologies offer...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Control of Salmonella by segregated early weaning, topical disinfection and administration of sodium chlorate
The results of this study document that sodium chlorate / nitrate / lactate, used alone or combination with early weaning and/or topical disinfection can be effective in reducing Salmonella...
Swine Health - General Disease
Evaluation of live vaccine strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Even though improved husbandry has reduced the level of porcine pleuropneumonia caused by Apl, this disease is still a significant problem for the swine industry. Current vaccines do not adequately...
Public Health - Salmonella
Risk Factors for the Occurance of drug resistant Salmonella spp. in commercial swine production
Resistance to two antimicrobial drugs frequently used in swine production, tetracycline and sulfa drugs, was common among Salmonella isolates from commercial farms. Since these isolates were from...
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