Kay S. Faaberg Archives - Pork Checkoff

Investigator: Kay S. Faaberg

Implementation of a PRRSV Strain Database (Renewal)

October 30, 2007

The PRRSV strain database (http://prrsv.ahc.umn.edu) has been supported by the National Pork Board for three years. The database (PRRSVdb; 7,627 unique sequences) is freely available for web-based...
Implementation of a PRRSV Strain Database (Renewal)

November 7, 2006

A PRRSV ORF5 database, accessible worldwide, was improved for swine producers, practitioners and researchers (http://prrsv.ahc.umn.edu/). This database, established to fulfill one objective of the...
Implementation of a PRRSV Strain Database

August 1, 2006

A PRRSV ORF5 database, accessible worldwide, was created for swine producers, practitioners and researchers (http://prrsv.ahc.umn.edu/). This database was established to fulfill one objective of the...