To assess the impact of inputs to the pig on air quality and manure management, a study was conducted to assess the effect of varying sulfate levels in drinking water on odor and gaseous emissions and on swine manure properties. Sulfur intake is of particular concern because out of the 10 most odorous components of swine odor identified so far, six were found to contain sulfur. Five experimental replicates were conducted in four separate grow-finish rooms given varying levels of sulfate in drinking water, ranging from about 80 ppm up to about 1800 ppm sulfate. Each treatment was applied over 8 weeks to a total of 300 pigs starting at starting weight of around 40 kg. Results showed that high sulfate levels in water had no adverse impact on pig performance, on odor and gas emissions, and on manure nutrient properties. However, the use of drinking water with high-sulfate levels could potentially lead to generation of higher levels of H2S when manure slurry is agitated, thus proper measures should be in place to account for this possibility. Overall, this study showed that water treatment may not be necessary when using water sources with up to 1800 ppm sulfate content, without resulting to adverse environmental effects. This can pave the way for the use of water with sulfate levels exceeding the existing limit for livestock water, and possibly allowing the pork industry to expand to areas previously considered as having water sources with less than ideal water quality.
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