Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
In vitro estimation and in vivo determination of metabolizable energy in corn co-products
May 21, 2009By Brian Kerr
Energetics will continue to be of great importance to the swine industry because energy contributes a significant expense to feed which contributes more than 60% of pig production costs. Changes in...
Animal Science
Understanding the relationship between immune response, intestinal microbial ecology and growth performance in nursery pigs fed diets with, or without in-feed antibiotics or a combination of beta-glucan and vitamin C
March 13, 2009By Marcos Rostagno
Weaning and the subsequent nursery phase represent a time of gastrointestinal and immune instability for the pig. This research project was developed to understand the effect(s) of two commonly used...
Animal Science
Effect of Neonatal Litter Size and Early Puberty Stimulation on Sow Longevity and Reproductive Performance
February 23, 2009By W. L. Flowers
The current study was designed to examine the effects of neonatal environments and puberty induction strategies for replacement gilts on their longevity and reproductive performance over six...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Utilizing Glycerol in Swine Diets: I. Feed Manufacturing Considerations and Nutritional Strategies to Reduce Dietary Costs
February 13, 2009By Leland McKinney
Biodiesel is an alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel and according to the National Biodiesel Board, there are currently 105 biodiesel production facilities operating in the United States, and...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Assessment of Corn Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) from Ethanol Production on Performance and Carcass Quality of Growing-Finishing Swine
February 10, 2009By G.L. Cromwell
A large collaborative experiment involving 560 crossbred pigs was conducted at nine experiment stations to assess the effects of feeding high levels of corn distillers dried grains with solubles...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Net energy of three sources of distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing and finishing pigs
February 5, 2009By Hans Stein
In North America, when energy is considered in formulation of swine diets, it is usually expressed as either digestible energy (DE) or metabolizable energy (ME). An energy system includes energy...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Influence of Rapid Introduction and Removal of Dietary DDGS on Pig Performance and Carcass Characteristics
January 28, 2009By G.C. Shurson
Pork producers and nutritionists want to use feed ingredients that will optimize pig performance at the lowest cost. Inclusion of DDGS in the diets for grower-finisher pigs may be economical at...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Evaluation of crude glycerin in swine
January 22, 2009By Brian Kerr
The objective of the proposed research was to determine the variation in metabolizable energy (ME) content of crude glycerin samples from a several biodiesel production facilities using different...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Critical review of literature on feeding bio-fuels co-products to pigs.
November 23, 2008By Hans Stein
The digestibility of nutrients in distillers co-products vary among sources. The variability is of the same magnitude as for other co-products. Heat damage to lysine often occurs, which results...
Animal Science
Reduced Nocturnal Temperature for Early-Weaned Pigs
October 23, 2008By Bob Thaler Ph.D.
Research in the 1980’s demonstrated that nursery room temperature could be reduced 10oF during the night without adversely affecting pig performance. This resulted in a significant...