Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Digestibility of dietary fiber from distillers co-products fed to growing pigs
October 17, 2008By Hans Stein
The rapidly increasing production of ethanol is generating large amounts of distillers’ co-products that are available for swine feeding programs. These co-products can help reduce feed cost....
Animal Science
North American Swine Energy System, 2nd Year
September 30, 2008By James Pettigrew
Energy is the most expensive dietary essential in pig diets, but it receives much less attention in North America than is deserved by its importance. The digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable...
Animal Science
Development of an Allergenicity Model in Swine
July 11, 2008By Tracy Barfield
Allergens affect pigs by contributing to increased morbidity and decreased efficiencies of gain. The allergens found in feed ingredients, like soy that show allergenic response can be isolated and...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Corn distillers dried grains (DDGS) for growing-finishing swine
July 3, 2008By Philip S. Miller
A nutrition study was conducted to investigate the feeding value of DDGS for growing-finishing swine. Specifically, growing-finishing diets were developed that contain 0 (control), 5, 10, and 15%...
Animal Science
Association of genetic markers with structural soundness and its relationship to gilt development and sow longevity
May 17, 2008By Max Rothschild
Sow longevity is a key contributor to the pork producer’s profitability. Proper gilt development and selection are important means to improve sow productive life (SPL). Breeding for more...
Animal Science
Evaluation of dietary butyrate as a growth promotant and on the response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in weanling pigs
May 13, 2008By Thomas Weber
Due to traditional feedstuffs for swine being diverted to biofuels, feed costs for pork production have increased dramatically. Consequently, pork producers are seeking ways to increase the...
Animal Science
Association of compositional, structural soundness, health, and genetic markerstatus with the ability of a commercial line of young sows to successfullycomplete parity one
March 3, 2008By Ken Stalder
Poor sow longevity has both economic and welfare ramifications for the commercial swine industry. On the basis of PigCHAMP ™ reports, between years 1998 and 2007, the average culling frequency...
Animal Science
Oxygen consumption and energy digestibility of soybean meal and corn or corn co-product diets fed to grow-finish swine
January 2, 2008By Wendy Powers
Diets containing corn or corn co-products were fed to swine over 6 feeding phases, starting at 18 kg bodyweight and concluding at market weight. The corn co-product diets contained increasing levels...
Animal Science
Discovery and Validation of Genetic Markers for Sow Longevity
July 18, 2007By Max Rothschild
Animal Science
Development of an Allergenicity Model in Swine – Year 1
June 29, 2007By Mark Winkle
Allergens affect pigs by contributing to increased morbidity and decreased efficiencies of gain. The allergens found in feed ingredients like soy can be genetically removed from the soybean, thereby...