Pork Quality
Influence of commercial deep chilling processes on early postmortem events in muscle that affect ultimate fresh pork tenderness and processing quality
March 17, 2014By Steven Lonergan
Recent observations and evidence have supported the conclusion that rapid chilling (deep chilling) of pork carcasses in commercial processing plants has the potential to decrease pork tenderness....
Pork Quality
Post-harvest Prediction of Pork Tenderness
June 1, 2011By Steven Shackelford
To ensure high eating quality of pork, the industry has relied on “enhancing” the product by pumping it with a solution...
Pork Quality
Post-harvest Prediction of Pork Tenderness
April 25, 2011By Rhonda Miller
Research to examine the use of multiple instruments that could be adapted in a pork processing environment for use in prediction of pork tenderness were evaluated. The instruments included a...
Pork Quality
The influence of facility design and pre-sorting on the stress response and transportation losses of the market weight pig
May 3, 2010By Anna Johnson
Johnson et al. (2010) reported a 66 % reduction in transport losses in pigs raised in large pen configurations that were pre-sorted, however, the researchers could not determine if the transport loss...
Pork Quality
Selection for increased intramuscular fat and its effect on other quality traits and the fatty acid composition of pork
April 2, 2009By Tom Baas
Long-term selection for increased lean has come at the expense of meat quality traits, namely IMF percentage, objective loin color, and eating quality traits such as flavor and off-flavor. Results...
Pork Quality
Effects of Pork Quality and Cooked Temperature on Consumer and Trained Sensory Perception of Eating Quality in Non-enhanced and Enhanced Pork Loins
July 1, 2008By Steven Moeller
The present study was conducted to evaluate the influences of fresh pork color (Minolta L*), intramuscular fat (IMF), and ultimate pH (pH), and cooked pork Warner Bratzler shear force (WBS) on...
Pork Quality
Stepwise discriminate and latent variable analysis of pre-harvest process factors influence on fresh pork quality
August 23, 2007By Eric Berg
Pork producers have often been told that stressing pigs can not only have negative consequences on the pig’s welfare but also on the quality of pork that they generate. Removing pigs from their...
Pork Quality
Continued selection for rapid growth: Implications for pork quality
August 1, 2007By Steven Lonergan
Pork Quality
The Impact Of Marbling On Consumer And Trained Taste Panel Acceptability
June 1, 2006By Floyd K. McKeith
There is discussion within the meat industry as to whether increased marbling in fresh pork loin chops leads to increased eating satisfaction in the final product. While some believe that pork with...
Pork Quality
National Pork Quality Survey
February 10, 2006By Eric Berg