Swine Health
Modeling Indoor Environment and Supplemental Heat Requirements During Ventilation Shutdown and Heat Inactivation of Viruses
December 21, 2021By Brett Ramirez
This project describes a flexible model developed to simulate VSD+ using supplemental heat in swine facilities.
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Development of ASFV-specific monoclonal antibodies and mAb-based blocking ELISA
November 24, 2021By Ying Fang
Historically, the greatest threats to the US swine production are from foreign animal diseases, such as African swine fever (ASF). ASF virus (ASFV) infection can have a deleterious effect on swine...
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
African swine fever surveillance using oral fluids for rapid detection and disease control
November 24, 2021By Aruna Ambagala
The main objective of this project was to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing swine oral fluids as a reliable aggregate sample type for early detection of African swine fever (ASF). At present, the...
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Evaluating the prevalence and distribution of African swine fever virus during feed manufacture, as well as feed mill decontamination measures
November 24, 2021By Dr. Cassandra Jones
The feed supply chain can be a significant risk of pathogen transfer. While historically, farms have evolved to have biosecurity limiting farm-to-farm interaction, there continues to be gaps in swine...
Swine Health
Oral fluid sample size for FAD detection at low prevalence in large commercial pigs
March 1, 2021By J Zimmerman
This project addressed a NPB call for research on surveillance sampling methods for optimizing the detection of trade limiting foreign animal diseases within pens, barns and sites.
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Development of Porcine Cytomegalovirus as a Conventional and Disseminating Vaccine for Classical Swine Fever – A Pilot Study
February 26, 2021By Dr. Michael Jarvis
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Negative cohort study plan for the estimation of diagnostic specificity of Two PCR assays for the detection of Classical Swine Fever, African Swine Fever and Foot and Mouth disease viruses in oral fluid samples
February 26, 2021By Dr. James Trybus
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Development of a bELISA for serological diagnostics and surveillance of SVA infection.
February 26, 2021By Dr. Steven Lawson Ph.D.
Senecavirus A (SVA) is a member of the Picornaviridae family and is associated with vesicular disease and neonatal mortality in swine. The primary concern of SVA associated disease is the development...
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Rapid, Pen-side Molecular Diagnostic Tool for Foreign Animal Disease
July 1, 2020By Cheryl Dvorak
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Virus Survival in Preprocessed Compost Under Cold Conditions
June 12, 2020By Brent Pepin