The objective of this project is to evaluate the impact of spring applied swine manure for soybean crop on sub-surface drainage water quality from non-replicated sub-watersheds. To evaluate this impact, sub-surface flow from tile outlets in two sub-watersheds is being monitored for nutrients (nitrogen and ortho-phosphate). Tile outlets from the two sub-watersheds have been instrumented with ISCO flow samplers and flow meters. This has been done to record flow volumes being discharged from the sub-watersheds. Water samples were collected to determine nitrate-nitrogen and ortho-phosphate mass and concentrations in tile flow. Manure was applied to one of the two sub-watersheds in spring of 2011 before it was planted to soybeans. Both sub-watersheds were monitored and data was recorded from May 15 to November 13, 2011. Analysis of data shows that the flow weighted nitrate-N (NO3-N) concentrations were slightly higher for the sub-watershed where manure was applied in comparison to sub-watershed where no manure was applied. The flow weighted ortho phosphate-P (PO4-P) concentrations were slightly higher for the sub-watershed where no manure was applied in comparison to sub-watershed where manure was applied. The project was carried out in collaboration with Iowa Select Farms. Funding, wholly or in part, was provided by The National Pork Board on behalf of the Iowa Pork Producers Association.
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