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Pork Checkoff Research

Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.

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Swine Health - General Disease
Testing of a live enterotoxigenic E. coli vaccine candidate for its potential as a competitive exclusion probiotic for preventing colibacillosis in weaned pigs.
The bacterium Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a major cause of post-weaning scours in weaned pigs, most frequently causing disease shortly after weaning. Currently no licensed vaccines...
Swine Health - General Disease
Strategies to include STa antigen in vaccine development against porcine post-weaning diarrhea (PWD);
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains are a major cause of diarrhea disease in humans and farm animals. E. coli fimbriae or colonization factor antigens (CFAs) and enterotoxins including...
Swine Health - PRRS
Elimination of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) from semen: “On Farm” Mechanical and Antiviral Methods
The long-term objective of this research is to provide a “PRRSV-free semen supply for artificial insemination (AI)”. Therefore, a 2-pronged approach to “on farm” methods that...
Swine Health - General Disease
Development of a non-antibiotic selection vector for a live vaccine against PWD
Porcine post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) continues causing substantial economic loss to swine producers. Vaccines strategy especially live attenuated vaccines could be the most effective and most...
Animal Science
Reduced Nocturnal Temperature for Early-Weaned Pigs
Research in the 1980’s demonstrated that nursery room temperature could be reduced 10oF during the night without adversely affecting pig performance. This resulted in a significant...
Swine Health - PRRS
In vivo evaluation of genetic markers in the nsp2 region of PRRSV: Implications for future recombinant marker vaccine development
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus (PRRSV) continues to be a major problem to the pork industry worldwide. The limitations offered by current PRRSV vaccines require the...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Management guide for reduced usage of antibiotics in swine production
A summary of research conducted to investigate possibilities for reducing the negative impact of discontinuing the use of antibiotic growth promoters has documented that many management tools are...
Swine Health - PRRS
Accurate ELISA test development: Evaluation of cysteine protease domain of non-structural protein 2 as a potential antigen
Currently, in the absence of effective vaccines and therapeutic drugs, one of the key approaches to achieve the “National PRRS Elimination” is to identify PRRSV infected pigs, so such...
Swine Health - PRRS
A novel herpes virus vector – based approach for PRRSV vaccines
The goal of the study was to examine the potential application of a novel herpes simplex virus-1-based vector system for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccine development. The...
Swine Health - PRRS
Emerging European-like PRRSV in the U.S.: Implications for diagnostic and control strategies
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus exists as two major genotypes, designated as Type 1 (European-like) and Type 2 (North American-like). The role and significance of...
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