Vaccination of pigs against PRRSV is the most prudent and logical way of controlling this economically important disease. Production of vaccines requires large scale propagation of PRRSV in the laboratories of pharmaceutical companies. The cell-line that is currently available for propagation of PRRSV in vitro is the green monkey kidney cell-line (and its derivatives), which has been patented. Availability of additional cell-lines for propagation of PRRSV should enhance the development of vaccines by several Biologics Companies, which will increase the likelihood of several efficacious vaccines against PRRSV becoming available in the future. In this study, we have developed cell-lines that are susceptible to PRRSV infection, by transfecting a bovine macrophage cell-line with the receptor for PRRSV on pig lung macrophages. Additional experiments in the future will determine whether any of these cell-lines could be used in the large scale propagation of PRRSV for vaccine production.
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