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Positive July Export Shipments but a More Uncertain Outlook for Pork Export Demand in the Fall

Hog slaughter beat estimates at +2.3 million head, +3.6% above year ago levels. Expectations are for slaughter to ramp up in the coming weeks. Last year weekly slaughter between mid-September and early October averaged 2.57m head/wk. Given current growth trends, we could see weekly slaughter at or above 2.6 million in the coming weeks.

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Will Pork Supply Increase in 2025? Breeding Herd Trajectory Remains Key

USDA thinks pork production in 2025 will increase 1.7% from a year ago. Lower feed costs should help bolster production, but much will depend on the breeding herd in September and December as productivity rate returns to long term trend.

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Market is Bracing for More Supply Pressures in the Fall

Weather disruptions resulted in lower slaughter early last week. However, with supply expected to recover this coming week, prices came under significant pressure last Thursday and Friday.

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Seasonal Factors Help Push Wholesale Prices Higher in July. Fall Supply Outlook Remains Bearish, Keeping Futures Markets on Edge

Ham prices have rocketed higher as market was once again reminded of the seasonality of supply during this time of year. Big orders to Mexico and other orders at the end of June, lower slaughter and processors returning to full production have resulted in a very tight spot market. Sharply higher prices in US and Mexico may impact sales in August, however.

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Ham Prices Firm for Now but Rest of the Complex Struggles

Wholesale pork prices showed some improvement towards the end of the week, mostly due to sharply higher ham prices. Demand from Mexico has been better than expected as hog values there continue to trade well above U.S. equivalent.

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Pork Supply Expectations from Latest USDA ‘Hogs and Pigs’ Survey

USDA inventory survey painted a picture of ample supply in the near term but lower production expected this winter and next spring.

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Seasonal Factors Impact Near Term Supply Outlook but Little Change in Expected Supply Availability into 2025

Hog futures turned higher at the end of last week as belly prices rebounded and speculation that cutout could start to see some support going into the 4th of July holiday and a 4-day weekend.

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Pork Processing Items Likely to Dictate Hog and Cutout Price Levels this Summer

Hog futures remain under pressure on uncertainty about outlook of processing items (hams, bellies, trim) this summer. Belly market appears to have more risk given slowdown in foodservice sales. Lack of frozen inventory continues to impact export markets, however.

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Domestic Pork Supply Expected to Remain Stable, Offer Retailers and Foodservice Operators the Ability to Manage Features and Menu Prices

USDA forecasts a modest decline in per capita availability in 2025 but still near the long run average of the last 15 years.

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Robust Exports Helped Lift Pork Prices in Q1, Will that Hold in the Spring and Summer?

Higher pork exports in Q1 resulted in a 1.7% decline in domestic availability despite higher slaughter/production.

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