Pork Quality
Relationships Between Loin Color, Chop Thickness, Cooking Method, Water-Holding Capacity and Tenderness For Pork Cooked To 62.8°C
December 1, 2018By Rhonda K. Miller
Public Health - Antibiotics & Resistance
Effects of antibiotics on intestinal and extra-intestinal multidrug-resistant and pan-susceptible Salmonella in swine
September 1, 2017By Keri Norman
Antibiotic resistance is a major health concern in both human and veterinary medicine. Antibiotics already used to maintain healthy swine may also play a role in reducing Salmonella; however, the...
Swine Health - Foreign Animal Disease
Evaluating Immunogenicity of a Novel Live-vectored Prototype ASFV Vaccine
January 30, 2015By Waithaka Mwangi
The African Swine Fever Virus is a high-consequence pathogen that causes hemorrhagic fever in pigs and some isolates are capable of killing nearly all infected pigs. The pathogen poses a high...
Pork Quality
Post-harvest Prediction of Pork Tenderness
April 25, 2011By Rhonda Miller
Research to examine the use of multiple instruments that could be adapted in a pork processing environment for use in prediction of pork tenderness were evaluated. The instruments included a...
Pork Safety
Effect of lactic acid and commercial chilling processes on the survival of Salmonella, Campylobacter coli and Yersinia spp. in pork variety meats
May 28, 2010By Margaret Hardin
Previous research on pork variety meats reported a 2% lactic acid spray was the most effective antimicrobial of those tested with the least negative effect on product quality (Zerby et al.,...
Human Nutrition
A National Survey of the Nitrite/Nitrate Concentrations in Cured Meat Products and Non-meat Foods Available at Retail
August 4, 2009By Jimmy Keeton
Nitrite, and in some cases nitrate, are functional food ingredients that serve as effective antimicrobials to inhibit pathogens such as Clostridium botulinum and Listeria monocytogenes, impart a...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Efficacy of novel food antimicrobial combinations for control of Listeria monocytogenes for preservation of ready-to-eat (RTE) products.
March 1, 2009By Thomas Matthew Taylor
Objectives: The primary objective of this study was to determine the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of USDA-FSIS approved food antimicrobials necessary for the inhibition of the foodborne...
Pork Quality
Interaction of Non-Meat Ingredients in Enhanced Pork Loin Chops
December 4, 2002By Rhonda Miller
Public Health - Other
Non-Occupational Human Health Effects of Gases, Particulate Matter and Bioaerosols Emitted from Confined Swine Production Facilities
September 20, 2001By Brent W. Auvermann PhD
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Group relationship of salmonella ELISA antibody status of grower-finisher hogs to fecal shedding detectable by culture
November 23, 1999By Bruce Lawhorn