Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Productivity and Economic Impacts on Feedgrade Antibiotic Use in Pork Production
October 31, 2003By Paul E. McNamara
An economic and statistical analysis of the 2000 NAHMS National Swine Survey data reveals that efficient use of antibiotics for growth promotion and disease prevention purposes is associated with...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Vaccination to Prevent Acute Infection by Salmonella in Transport and Lairage Prior to Slaughter
September 2, 2003By Paul E. McNamara
Currently available Salmonella Choleraesuis live avirulent vaccines are efficacious for the prevention of disease caused by S. Choleraesuis. This research was conducted to determine if these same...
Pork Quality
Effects of Downers on Pork Quality
April 3, 2003By Floyd K. McKeith
Downer animals tended to produce pork that was dark in color, exhibited a relatively high ultimate pH and low drip loss with no relationship between downer animals and lung score value.
Pork Quality
Characterization of the Quality Attributes of Fresh Pumped Pork Loins
July 14, 2000By Floyd K. McKeith
Swine Health - PRRS
Evaluation of nucleic acid delivery methods for a genetic (DNA) vaccine against PRRS
June 13, 2000By Federico A. Zuckermann
Animal Science - Reproductive & Growth Physiology
Effect of Prenatal Androgenization on Growth Rate, Feed Efficiency and Carcass Quality of Swine
February 14, 2000By Darrel Kesler
Pork Quality
The impact of season, Halothane genotype, and pre-slaughter handling on body temperature and its relationship with subsequent meat quality
November 24, 1999By Michael Ellis
Pork Quality
Instrumental color measurement specifcations and factors affecting measurement consistency in pork
November 8, 1999By Mary Susan Brewer
Swine Health - General Disease
Cellular immune response to inactivated PRRS virus vaccines
September 14, 1999By Federico A. Zuckermann