Pork Quality
The Impact Of Marbling On Consumer And Trained Taste Panel Acceptability
June 1, 2006By Floyd K. McKeith
There is discussion within the meat industry as to whether increased marbling in fresh pork loin chops leads to increased eating satisfaction in the final product. While some believe that pork with...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Comparison of Cereal Grains in Diets for Nursery Pigs:Microbiology, Health and Performance
May 1, 2006By James Pettigrew
As increasingly severe restrictions on the use of antimicrobials in pig production loom, it is imperative that the industry find alternate ways to enhance pig performance and health. These ways will...
Public Health - Antibiotics & Resistance
Special Call for Review of the Critical Literature: Fate and Transport of Antibiotic Residues and Antibiotic Resistance Genetic Determinants during Manure Storage, Treatment, and Land Application with emphasis on the Environmental Persistence and Transferability of these Determinants
March 24, 2006By Roderick Mackie
Animal Well-being
Effects of trailer design, season, and distance moved during loading on the welfare of market weight pigs at the packing plant
March 21, 2006By Michael Ellis
The results of this study suggest that transporting pigs in pot-belly trailers rather than in straight decks results in an increased incidence of pigs exhibiting indicators of stress on arrival at...
Animal Well-being
Influence of animal handling and transportation factors on the welfare of slaughter pigs during transport and incidences of deads and downers
January 20, 2006By Michael Ellis
This research evaluated three factors (namely feed withdrawal prior to transportation, mixing of pigs from different groups on the trailer, and floor space on the trailer) potentially associated with...
Animal Well-being
Effects of Space Allowance on Group-Housed Dry Sows
December 10, 2004By Janeen L. Salak-Johnson PhD
These data provide further support that sow performance and productivity between those kept in crates and groups is similar. Overall, differences found between sows kept in crates and those in...
Animal Well-being
Strategies to Optimize Sow Longevity
December 3, 2004By Sandra Rodreguez
Early removal of sows from the herd due to mortality, health problems and low production is a major bottleneck in the swine industry that amounts to animal welfare and economic concerns due to...
Animal Well-being
Impact of early weaning and photoperiod manipulation on sow and piglet welfare
November 3, 2004By Janeen L. Salak-Johnson PhD
Animals adapt more readily to photoperiod cues than other environmental cues since photoperiod is more predictable and consistent over time. Previous work has shown limited (if any) affects of...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Role of gilts in the introduction and transmission of Salmonella in swine production systems
May 1, 2004By Ronald M. Weigel
Three swine production units in Illinois were examined with respect to the role of purchased gilts in introducing new genetic variants of Salmonella into a herd, and the risk of incoming gilts...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
On-Farm Evaluation of Diet Acidification
March 24, 2004By James Pettigrew
Under the conditions of these experiments, lactic acid added to complex nursery diets does not improve growth performance and (or) health in weaned pigs in large groups on a commercial farm, in the presence or absence of dietary lactose.